Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OneADay [002] - That's Why They Call It a Union

I am going to work on these blogs a day late, so todays blog was actually what happened yesterday. This allows me to write each post a day early and post them later, which is easier for me. So with that stated lets get into the meat....yum!!

Today we finalized our powerpoint for our game projects. We had to make two pitches for two separate games that we would present to our teachers. The one they like better (or hated the most) will be picked for us to go into production with. Our two main ideas have us combining two game styles to make something unique. Our one game is an RTS mixed with Scrabble and the other is a Mini Golf - Curling cross bread. Both of which sound great. We practiced our pitches twice and tweaked everything to get ready for the presentation tomorrow.

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