Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OneADay [036] - Sony

3D : Getting a little cocky there are we Sony? PS3 wasn't the only factor in the success of BluRay (Porn anyone?). Only 20 games by March 2011? How can you promote 3D and make be buy a TV for only 20 games?

Killzone 3 : Without the 3D the game could run faster or push more poly's. The game tho looks very beautiful, even with the huge"pre alpha code" logo at the top. The jet packs look pretty cool but it seems like every game now needs to have one, just like every game needed multiplayer after Doom did it. Some texture pop ins and some chugging but the game is running very smoothly. The jet pack tho takes up a large section of the screen, the guns too. The destructibles look awesome though, there is a lot of stuff going on. (word of the day - "Epic" count 1). 3D and Move? Optional I hope.

GT5 : 3D? Ok I'll bite. (No gameplay or release date yet >=/ )

Mortal Kombat : Please talk about this! Please Please Please!

MotorStorm and EyePet are looking pretty good. As well as tumble. As for Crysis 2 they are going to have to try hard for a good story and not just pretty game. MORTAL KOMBAT FATALITY! I want that game so badly, curse you Ed Boon and NetherRealm Games.

Playstation Move : Looks exactly like the Wii but it is 1 to 1. That could make it better but that wont make the games good. I like the Move's Nike swoosh logo KevinB! The buttons on the Move look rather small, I wonder how hard that will be to use or if I go to hit Triangle and I hit X as well.

Sorcery : Nice gameplay there =).  Looks like a Harry Potters dream game. (Calling that game now, we will see it next year). The potion bit was pretty cool, I will give them that. The character changing is also something cool, ok I am sorry for making fun of you, I like it. The fire isn't looking too "hot" there (sorry readers, I really am).

Tiger Woods : *Wife/Golf joke* Now that thats out of the way. For a casual game this will be very nice. Something my Dad might like. Looks like there is some lag in the control for this game between the player and the game. Overall looks like it be fun to play for a bit. The grass textures look horrible, its the PS3 EA, not the Gameboy.

Heroes on the Move : Nice little mash up there. Very short =(

KEVIN B!!!!!!!! (Epic, thats 2). Best part so far, He is slowly turning to the face of not only PS3 but Sony and Gaming in general.

Move Dates : Sept 19th! Showing some Europe love on the 15th!, $50 and $30 for the whole Move? The $100 bundle looks nice.  (Epic in writing, thats 3).

PSP : New KevinB for the PSP. I liked how shitty the game was Photoshoped onto that PSP.

God of War [PSP] : So short! Why tease us!

Kingdom Hearts [PSP] : W00t!

PSN : The Tester 2 XD, well at least it is free to watch. Love all the content they have but Home needs a lot more work. HOLY SHIT That E3 Home thing is awesome.....I know what I am doing tonight.

Play.Create.Share Little Big Planet 2 : Game of the Year.  Looks amazing!

PSN Plus : Options for more PSN! Exclusive content, betas, early demos, themes and minis, discounts on PSN, automatic downloads. Sounds good! and 3 months free!

Medal of Honor : We already have Call of Duty...EA. I know you are made IW left you guys to make CoD instead but your just copying them now. This is Modern Warfare 2, poly for poly...... Plagiarism


PORTAL 2 : HOLY SHIT! PS3 you are doing it so right right now! Steam integration and Trailer!!!!!

Final Fantasy 14 : Wow, the game looks stunning! No gameplay yet =(

Assassins Creed : Multiplayer on PS3? Not going to lie, game is looking pretty good atm. Even though I am not a fan of the AC games so far, this makes me want to try it some more.

Gameplay Footage : Dead Space 2 in shooters? Survival Horror is more the idea I had. Whoever makes these videos for Sony has really made me pumped for games I didn't even want to play. GT5 footage, no RD still!

GT5 : FINALLY! This game looks so beautiful. Best looking game around. It is hard to believe this is all being rendered real time! It all looks like stock footage of cars driving! NOV 2nd!

Infamous 2 : Looking good!

TWISTED METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG! Sony you make me cry tears of joy! It looks so beautiful and the levels are huge. I am getting this! No question.

PS3, you were so strong this year! Amazing!

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